United States of America

Ah, the legendary US of A. Where bigger is always better and Walmart’s are open 24/7, it is the pinnacle of consumerism and capitalism. With epic portion sizes and deep fried foods of every variety to tempt you, I can almost guarantee a visit here will leave your jeans tight. Having spent a few of my teen years living here with my family I am lucky to know the American way of life pretty well. In fact, sometimes if I travel long enough outside of Australia I’ll start to revert back to my long deserted Californian accent.

The USA is definitely one of the most diverse countries in the world. Not only due to the sheer amount of cities located within it, each with its own history, interesting pasts, and at times vastly different climates, but the varying types of cuisines throughout this country’s regions are worthy of much mention in their own right.

I’ve road tripped a few states in the USA however at this stage am only comfortable offering some words on California, as I travelled back there recently to visit friends. I’ll just have to return soon to see more on this wonderful country!



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